Thursday, October 3, 2013

What is faith??

               What is faith?

We all WANT to have faith, but so often we don't operate our lives in a manner that reflects the faith we possess. I am learning and growing in this realization as I walk through a season of transition. 

In certain aspects of my life, my faith is unparalleled. For example, I have jumped out of a perfectly good airplane on purpose because I had faith the parachute would work and that the adventure was worth the risk. I am confident that everyone has faith in some things whether they admit it or not. Here's my proof: most adults get behind the wheel of a car everyday and they have faith that when they press the brake pedal, the car will stop. Seems simple right?

Well, faith in its purest form is simple. Faith is believing that things we cannot see or explain are true. 

How do we increase our faith? Well now that is not as simple, but I believe I have figured it out. In any relationship, trust is the key component to success. The same is true with our relationship Jesus Christ. The more we learn to "trust" Him, then the more he will reveal himself to us. As He reveals himself and never fails us, then our faith grows. As you continue to grow, the cycle of confidence continues because with each passing situation you realize that your foundation is now solid and you have a track record of trust that you can have FAITH in. 

During the times when we don't "feel" like having faith, it is then that we MUST fall back on the foundation of trust. One of the best quotes about these times comes from my Pastor, Chris Hodges: "choices lead, feeling follow." We cannot wait on our feelings to make decisions and that includes the decision to have faith. I dare you to implement this action whether you "feel" it or not. Allow your choices and the promises of God to guide you and the feelings will eventually match because you had the FAITH to believe AND act. 

Follow your dreams. Believe that God has a plan even if it doesn't feel like it!!