Monday, November 4, 2013

The Changing of the Seasons

As I took this photo this weekend, I found myself reflecting on the changes that come with each season of the year.  The leaves on the bush have changed from a lush green to vibrant red, yellow, and orange.  Before long, the leaves will turn brown and finally fall to the ground.  The leaves will give way to colder temperatures and winter will take their place.

Just as these changes occur in the weather naturally, our lives face changes on various scales daily.  My wife asked me a question that continued my contemplative mood: "If you could go back in time to when you were 20 without gaining any knowledge you've learned, would you want to go back and try again?"  I can honestly say that I would NOT want to go back.  I have made plenty of mistakes along the way these last seventeen plus years, but I am in a place in my life where I am happy with the season I am in.  The last year of my life has been one of many changes.  I married an amazing woman that loves me the way I am, but encourages me to become evene better.  My world was then changed even further with the birth of my beautiful daughter, Isabella Grace, pictured above.  As if those two life changes were not enough, we also threw in a career change for me and a new business start-up for my wife.  When the Todd family decides to make a change, we move from the calm of Spring to the snow of Winter as if it were nothing.

The one thing that I have learned through all the changes is to appreciate the change!  I am embracing the changing colors in the leaves, rather than lamenting the loss of the heat of summer that the golfer in me longs for throughout the year.  I encourage each of you to embrace the change.  I know many of you reading this think that is impossible.  Change can be hard, but trying to avoid it or ignore it will only make it worse.
But by avoiding change, we create even bigger problems such as lost opportunites, broken relationshiops, or sometimes a waste of our talent and purpose.  Millions of people who need change are drifting along with no real purpose, no joy, and feeling as if they are traveling down a dead end street.  The only way to make the changes that we all desire is to include God in our transformation.  He created us in His image and desires the best for us.  All we have to do is call out to him and Believe!  The great news about that dead end street you are walking down is that it is not a one way street....turn around.  Make the change you know you are being called to make.  Live the life you were intended to live. 
Take time to embrace the changes in yourself and those that occur naturally around you.  The freedom that you will experience from this acceptance is an amazing feeling.  God has a plan for your life. 

Thank you to everyone who takes the time to read my ramblings.  If you enjoy them, please take time to share and comment.  Also, if you have a topic that you think I should write about I would love your suggestions.

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